The Big Knights Blu-Ray is FREE with the DVD
Just in case there is any confusion, if you’re after The Big Knights Blu-Ray disc, it is FREE with the DVD.
Some people have been asking where the Blu-Ray is on the amazon link, the answer is, it comes free with the DVD! Order the DVD copy and you get all the episodes on Blu-Ray on a free disc with it. Happy days!
Filed under: The Big Knights, big knights, blu-ray, dvd, re-mastering, re-release, sir doris, sir horace, the big knights
noel storey Says:
Come on Big Knights fans,
We’ve been waiting for a DECADE for this release.
Let’s all post our joy on this interweb site thing.
Send good vibes to all involved in the production of this DVD/BLU-THINGY, I for one appreciate all the toil that went into it.
Oct 25th can’t come soon enough for me, I may not the finest fan in the world, but I am the most enthusiastic!
Posted on August 17th, 2010 at 7:27 pm
admin Says:
Great speech Noel! Have you thought about motivational speaking?
We think you’re a pretty fine BK fan! 🙂
Posted on August 17th, 2010 at 7:40 pm
Phil Says:
We can’t both be the most enthusiastic!!! 😉
Posted on August 18th, 2010 at 7:51 pm
Nick Says:
Holy smoosh! Holy, holy smoosh! I am there, and it will be mine. The anticipation was nothing, the excitement could be cut with a nose alone.
Well done, chaps, for getting it all together at last.
Posted on August 19th, 2010 at 12:36 pm